

What is Ichor?

In Greek Mythology, Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to the mortals, and in turn was punished for all of eternity. Prometheus was chained to a rock, for his liver which was eaten by an eagle. His liver would then regrow, only to be eaten again. This cycle was repeated for all of eternity. Prometheus bled Ichor, a golden blood-like substance that would cause a magical amaranth to sprout when it touched soil.

Ichor is the ‘ethereal fluid’ that is the blood of the gods. It retains qualities of the immortals. It symbolizes life, both in and out of the body. The story of Prometheus and his liver regrowing while bleeding Ichor, is quite similar to the exact times we are in: our crypto journey. We believe that the absolute bottom (punishment) only leads to a bigger, brighter, more creative future everytime we go through periods of growth. You will see the drip and the fluid getting lower and lower, but with Ichor, once the fluid is empty, you will see the regeneration of life. We, the lifeline, will continuously nurture and tend to our ethereal ecosystem making us immortal.

Problems With Archaic Systems

Amongst our rapidly changing world is the attempted elimination of the voice of the majority. Archaic systems are still being used which allows corporations in power, just this ability. This is the year 2022, and yet, we are still seeing the governments’ inability to instantly connect with the people between election cycles. We are still seeing ancient monetary systems burdened with regulations not controlled by the people. And we are still seeing exciting new FinTech advancements that the people may never have control over future adoption, or even continuance. Why are we still seeing botched elections, fake statistics, and falsified narratives? These lead to the lack of trust from the people that are being governed, and invalid results from any result meant to be formulated by a majority decision. There has yet to be a system that is truly foul-proof. We are here to recreate an archaic system that adapts to the current times, and solves for the inconsistent results yielded by outdated systems.

What To Expect – Daos 2.0

To the current times. We have worked to create the solutions to this and push the draining lifeline of decentralization and anonymity back alive. As mentioned, it is a regeneration of life.


Provide all people not only a tool, but a core system, allowing the creation of a ‘united voice’ for enduring and urgent social protection and reform.

Ichor’s Lifeline

As life drips, new cycles are born:
. A little bit about us
. Ichor roadmap
. The structure of Ichor
. The Ichor system delivered


Provide funding services for industry projects with profits dispersed directly to token-holders.


Provide advancements for smooth crypto & fiat transactions in everyday applications that work to be progressive with a DAO structure. DAO’s are the future. They’re never going to go away, and it’s up to us to make them adapt

“The Infinite Garden is an embodiment of the spirit of the Ethereum Foundation as one gardener in a vast ecosystem — nurture and grow, but do not control, and continue to play.” – Ethereum Foundation

Much like Ethereum, Ichor’s ecosystem wasn’t something that was designed by any one individual, but it organically evolved with the support of people who nurture, contribute and make it live on forever. We are to be eternal: forever decentralization. That being said, our charity has been set up in order to give back. A portion of our tax funds will be donated to a specific destination that has been recommended by one of the highly touted innovators to the current times. This will be seen in the blocks in a short time.